Sunday 15 September 2024

Learning Material for Class VII ( Third Summative Evaluation)


1. Write a story within 100 words in which you and your two friends are forced to spend a night in an old, desolate building far away from home.

One evening, my friends, Ravi and Suman, and I went exploring and got lost. We found an old, spooky building far from home and had to spend the night there. The building was creaky, and shadows danced on the walls. We were scared, but we made a game of telling funny stories to keep our spirits up. Ravi pretended to be a brave knight, and Suman told tales of magical creatures. We laughed a lot, and by morning, the building didn’t seem so scary anymore. We were tired but happy, knowing that we had faced our fears together.


2. Write a story with the help of the following points:    [ Frogs lived in a pond boys hit stones and hurt the frogs — a frog asked, "Why are you throwing stones?" —  boys replied, "We are playing" — frogs said, "It is death to us — boys felt sorry — stopped sport]

In a quiet pond, frogs lived happily. One day, some boys started throwing stones, hurting the frogs. One brave frog asked, “Why are you throwing stones at us?” The boys answered, “We’re just playing.” The frog sadly said, “Your game hurts us and could kill us.” The boys felt sorry and realized their fun was hurting the frogs. They promised to stop their game and play somewhere else. From then on, the pond was peaceful again, and the frogs hopped joyfully, knowing the boys had learned to be kind.


3Write a paragraph on a magic show. Use the following points:  [Place — the atmosphere — dress of the magician — tricks that he performed — how you liked the show — did you feel interested in performing magic by yourself — conclusion. ]

Last weekend, I went to a magic show in our town’s big hall. The atmosphere was exciting, with colorful lights and a big crowd waiting for the show to start. The magician wore a shiny, red suit with a top hat, which made him look very mysterious. He performed amazing tricks, like pulling a rabbit out of a hat and making a coin disappear. The audience clapped and cheered, and I was thrilled by every trick. I loved the show so much that I started dreaming of being a magician myself. The magic show was unforgettable, and I hope to try some magic tricks one day too!


4Write a letter to your friend inviting him  to the marriage ceremony of your uncle.

Dear  Bablu,                                                                       

I hope you are doing well! I am writing to invite you to a very special event. My uncle is getting married, and I would be so happy if you could join us for the celebration.

The marriage ceremony will be on 30th December at 6 pm. It will be held at our home, and there will be lots of fun, dancing, and delicious food. We will also have beautiful decorations and a big buffet!

I really want you to be there to celebrate with us and enjoy all the excitement. Please let me know if you can come. I am sure we will have a great time together!

Looking forward to seeing you there.

Best wishes, 
