Sunday 15 September 2024

Learning Material For Class VIII (Third Summative Evaluation)

 1. Write an imaginary conversation between you and your friend discussing the advantages of visiting a library regularly.

Me: Hi Sunny! Do you go to the library often?

Sunny: Not really. I find it a bit dull. Why do you ask?

Me: Oh, the library is actually great! There are so many amazing books to read. You can find stories about adventures, magic, and even space!

Sunny: Really? That sounds cool. What else is there?

Me: Well, it’s a quiet place, so you can focus and do your homework easily. Plus, they have fun activities like book clubs and reading challenges.

Sunny: That does sound fun. I didn’t know libraries had so much to offer.

Me: Yes, they do! Why don’t we visit the library together this weekend? We can explore and find some great books.

Sunny: That sounds awesome! Let’s do it!

Me: Great! See you then!


2. Write an imaginary conversation between you and a tree which you had planted and which has now grown green and tall.

Me: Hi, Tree! Look how big and green you’ve grown!

Tree: Hello! Yes, I feel great! Thanks for planting me and taking care of me.

Me: I remember when you were just a tiny sapling. Now you’re so tall and strong.

Tree: It’s because of your care and the sunshine. The rain has helped too. I’ve enjoyed growing with your help.

Me: I’m glad to hear that! Do you like it here?

Tree: I do! I love the birds that visit me and the shade I provide. It’s fun to see you and your friends play under my branches.

Me: I love it too. Thank you for being such a wonderful tree. I’ll keep taking care of you.

Tree: And I’ll keep growing and giving you shade. Thanks for being my friend!

Me: You’re welcome!


3Write an autobiography of an owl enjoying the night.

Hello, I’m Oliver the Owl. I love the night, which is when I come alive. As the sun sets, I spread my wings and fly quietly through the moonlit sky. I search for tasty treats like mice and insects, and my sharp eyes help me see in the dark. I enjoy the calm and listen to the soft sounds of the forest. My gentle hoots create a lovely tune. Being an owl at night is truly magical!


4. Suppose your friend, who lives in a hostel, is missing his friends and family. He is feeling very lonely and sad. Write a letter inspiring him to cope with his present situation.

Dear Raju,

I hope you’re doing okay. I know being away from home can be tough and lonely. But remember, you’re not alone. Your friends and family are always thinking of you, even if they’re far away. Try to keep busy with activities you enjoy and make new friends at the hostel. Maybe join a club or start a fun hobby. Each day will bring something new and exciting. Also, writing letters or making video calls can help you feel closer to everyone at home. You’re strong and brave for handling this, and things will get better. We all miss you and can’t wait to see you soon!

Keep smiling and stay positive!

Best wishes, Paresh